• From particles to the Cosmos

    IFAE conducts experimental and theoretical research at the frontiers of fundamental physics.

  • Particle Physics

    Pushing the frontiers of knowledge by making precise measurements in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.

    ATLAS Detector
  • High Energy Astrophysics

    Addressing open questions through gamma-ray observations from the most energetic phenomena in the universe.

    The MAGIC Telescopes
  • Observational Cosmology

    Shedding light on the nature of the mysterious dark energy, responsible for the current accelerated expansion of the universe.

  • Neutrino Physics

    Understanding the fundamental phenomena that produced the observed asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the universe.

  • Gravitational Waves

    The beginning of a new era in the exploration of the universe.

    Aerial view of Virgo
  • Medical Imaging

    Using our expertise with sophisticated radiation detectors to develop advanced medical imaging devices.

  • Quantum Computing Technologies

    Achieving an advantage over conventional computers to solve problems which are ubiquitous in society.

    QCT Lab

New Publication

New Cosmology group publication

October 10, 2024

Authors are Dane Noelle Cross and Carles Sánchez


Tamara Vazquez at CERN 70th Anniversary Ceremony with EU Delegation

October 10, 2024

The ceremony welcomed political leaders from Member and Associate Member States

New Project

UNDARK project kick-off meeting

October 10, 2024

The meeting took place at Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)


César Jesús Valls Obtains RSEF Award for Best Experimental Physics Thesis

October 3, 2024

César defended his thesis in IFAE

New Publication

Gamma-ray group paper on Journal of High Energy Astrophysics

October 3, 2024

Cosimo Nigro from the Gamma-ray group led the project and is corresponding author.

Tech transfer

Oscar Blanch Presents at CERCA KTT Community Meeting

October 3, 2024

Blanch discussed the current advancements in the development of Cherenkov cameras for the CTA initiative.

  • MastercosmosBCN Poster



    Postgraduate Program in High Energy Physics, Astrophysics & Cosmology

  • MastercosmosBCN Poster



    Full-time one-year programme with highly flexible and personalised hands-on research training in a multidisciplinary research environment.

  • Master in Quantum Science & Technology Poster


    Master in Quantum Science & Technology

    Aimed at graduates in Physics, Physical Engineering or equivalent degrees who want to continue specialization studies in Quantum Science and Technologies.