This position is filled

Open Position Health and Safety Technician at IFAE

Opening Date:
Closing Date:

About IFAE

The Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE) is a public consortium between the Catalan Government, Generalitat de Catalunya, and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, a public university). IFAE was formally created in 1991, by Decree number 159/1991. As stated in its By‐laws, IFAE’s main goal is to carry out research and to contribute to the development of high energy physics from a theoretical, experimental and technological point of view.

About the position

In collaboration with the head of the personnel department and with the external prevention service (SPA) will be the person in charge of ensuring, promoting and integrating preventive activity within the Institute’s own activity, in order to guarantee compliance with regulations and, above all, the safety and health of the people who work there.

The successful candidate will be expected to play a central role in:

  • Perform the risk assessments; foster the implantation of preventive measures and follow up of the preventive planification.
  • Promote a preventive culture in IFAE and give advice related to Health & Service (H&S).
  • Coordinate medical check-up of all employees.
  • Research of causes of any accident or incident that may occur.
  • Coordinate with the external prevention services.
  • Coordinate the activities between outside companies and IFAE and oversee the work done by these external parties.
  • Record of H&S documents.
  • Other necessary tasks related to Health & Safety Service.

About the contract:

  • Full time contract (40 hours/week), from Monday to Friday.
  • Indefinite contract for scientific-technical activities (article 23 bis of Law 14/2011, of 1 June, on Science, Technology and Innovation).
  • IFAE Professional category: Tècnic(a) d’administració, nivell 1.
  • Annual gross salary: 33.000 €
  • The selected candidate is expected to join IFAE as soon as possible (September)

Required skills:

  • Degree in Health and Safety and/or Master in Occupational Health and Safety.
  • High level of English.
  • Minimum 2 year of experience in a similar position.
  • Responsibility, Proactivity, Problem-solving, Good communication skills.

Desirable requirements:

  • Valuable training in sciences or similar
  • Valuable training in engineering
  • Experience superior to that required is valued.
  • Valuable experience in administrative contracting.
  • Valuable experience in research entities.
  • Valuable experience in ISO standards

Evaluation criteria:

Applications of candidates fulfilling the required skills will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Required skills (50 points)
  • Desirable requirements (30 points)
  • Experience at research or technology centers (20 points).

Selection process:

Interested candidates must provide a letter of interest, at least one letter of reference, and an updated CV to be sent by e-mail to , with the Job Reference (IFAE2024/07_H&S) as Subject. Sending CVs to the above address implies consent to the legal warning at the bottom of IFAE’s Home Page ( .

Applications shall be submitted until July 31 at 23:59h.

A Selection Committee will evaluate the applications according to the criteria established in this advertisement. The selection process may include an interview of a short list of candidates. The Committee will select a candidate within 15 days following the deadline of applications submission.

According to the laws affecting the public sector, priority will be given to candidates fulfilling the required skills with a current labour relationship with any of the Administrations of the consortium (Generalitat de Catalunya and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).

IFAE is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace and social integration of people with a disability. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates. People from groups that are typically underrepresented in the labour market in general, and in Science and Engineering in particular, such as women, minorities, or people with a disability, are particularly encouraged to apply. For further information you may contact with the Job Reference (IFAE2024/20_SAFETY_RRHH) as Subject.