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Open Position PhD Student Position for the ATLAS Group

Opening Date:
Closing Date:

About IFAE

The Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE) is a public consortium of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, a public university) whose main objective is to carry out research and to contribute to the development of high energy physics from a theoretical, experimental and technological point of view. IFAE has the status of a “University Institute" attached to the UAB and its premises are within the campus of the University.

About the Collider Physics group

The Collider Physics group at IFAE is focused on the scientific exploitation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. This is research line that started in 1992, when IFAE joined the ATLAS Collaboration at the LHC. The ATLAS detector was designed to explore a wide range of phenomena predicted by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, while also maximizing their sensitivity to beyond-the-SM processes. It is expected that these investigations will provide answers to open questions in our description of Nature such as the origin of the particle masses, the mechanism for electroweak symmetry breaking, or the presence of a new underlying symmetry (e.g., supersymmetry) that could explain the nature of dark matter or the unification of forces at very high energies. The design, construction and operation of the ATLAS detector, online event selection, event reconstruction and data analysis, all require world-wide efforts, which are reflected in the size of the ATLAS Collaboration, formed by 181 institutions from 42 countries. Its members are a team of physicists, engineers, technicians, students and support staff from around the world. It is one of the largest collaborative efforts ever attempted in science, with over 5500 members and almost 3000 scientific authors.

With a 30-year involvement in the ATLAS experiment, IFAE has played mayor roles in the construction and operation of the Tile Hadronic Calorimeter (TileCal), the preparation of the High-Level Trigger infrastructure and physics selection algorithms, and the physics analyses. IFAE currently maintains a strong presence in the ATLAS experiment, with major responsibilities on the maintenance and operation of the TileCal hadronic calorimeter and the Level-1 Topological Trigger system, and participates in the Pixel detector upgrade. The group has also developed an exciting and broad research program that includes precision measurements of the top quark (e.g., four-top-quark production) and the Higgs boson (e.g., top-Higgs Yukawa coupling), and searches for new phenomena beyond the Standard Model (e.g., supersymmetry, vector-like fermions, leptoquarks, additional light or heavy Higgs bosons, etc). During Run 3 of the LHC, which started in July 2022 and will last till the end of 2025, the centre-of-mass energy of proton-proton collisions has been increased to 13.6 TeV and the total delivered integrated luminosity will reach ~250 fb-1. With the increase of both energy and integrated luminosity with respect to Run 2, more stringent tests of the SM and more sensitive searches for new phenomena will be possible. IFAE is in a privileged position to analyse the ATLAS data, with strong synergies with IFAE’s Theory Division and significant computing resources from the PIC computing centre.

Required skills and evaluation criteria

The successful candidate is expected to have:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Physics and a Master’s degree in Physics (including particle physics courses)
  • Proficiency in the English language
  • Pro-active attitude and good communication skills
  • Good programming and computing skills (Programming languages: C++, Python; Software tools: ROOT, LaTeX)
  • Research experience in experimental particle physics during the Master studies.

The evaluation criteria and their weighting for the submitted applications will be the following:

Criteris de valoració:Puntuació:
Criteri 1: Grades in BsC and MsC10
Criteri 2: Proficiency in the English language10
Criteri 3: Programming and computing skills10
Criteri 4: Research experience10

What will be your role?

The candidate will join the IFAE-ATLAS group and will participate in first-class research with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. He/she will play a leading role in physics analysis using the full Run 2 and Run 3 datasets, and participate in the maintenance and operation of the ATLAS detector. Offered contract:

  • Full-time contract (40 hours/week).
  • Internship Contract (1 year maximum) + then Predoctoral Contract; It will last approximately 4 years maximum.
  • The position will correspond to “Research Technician” and later to “Predoctoral Researcher (R1)” within the professional categories of the IFAE.
  • Salary will be proportional to experience and qualifications within the corresponding category range.
  • Work with interesting experimental science. Travelling to scientific singular infrastructures. Opportunity to gain experience learning first-hand. Personal growth, innovation, and learning every day.
  • The selected candidate is expected to join the IFAE as soon as possible.

Application and Selection process:

Applications should be submitted to Dr. Aurelio Juste ( ) and stating the job reference (IFAE2024/32_ATLAS_PHDstudent) as the subject of the message. The mail should include their updated CV, including a full list of University grades, and arrange to have two letters of reference. Sending CVs to the above addresses implies consent to the IFAE’s legal warning on data privacy.

The application must contain a personal identification number (DNI, NIE or passport) in order to proceed to the verification of absence of conflict of interest required by Recovery and Resilience Mechanism of the Spanish Government.

IFAE is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace and social integration of people with a disability. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates. People from groups that are typically underrepresented in the labour market in general and in Science and Engineering in particular, such as women, minorities, or people with a disability, are particularly encouraged to apply.

A Selection Committee will evaluate the received applications. If more than one candidate seems equally suitable for the position, the Selection Committee will arrange an on-line interview with each one of them as part of the Selection process.

In compliance with article 121 of the Spanish Public Sector Legal Regime Act, staff with a pre-existing relationship with the Consortium administration (Generalitat de Catalunya and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) will have priority in the awarding of the position.

You may contact Dr. Aurelio Juste ( ) for any questions related to this job opening.