Education & Outreach

High-School Programs

Cosmology group session at Bojos per la Física

High-school program

Bojos per la Física

One-year educational program targeted for high-school students. In 2020 we ran the 6th edition of this program coordinated by IFAE in collaboration with ICN2 and Funded by Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera. More than 150 students apply every year for this program that gives an overview of today’s frontier research topics in physics


High-school program

Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge (BIYSC)

Two-week international excellence program for high-school students. IFAE develops the activity “Cosmic Rays, Astrophysics at your fingertips” in which the students develop, build and use a cosmic ray detector based on SiPm, specifically designed at IFAE for outreach activities. In 2020 we ran the 3rd edition of this programme.

Bojos per la Física

High-school program

International Physics Masterclasses

One-day activity at IFAE to unravel the mysteries of particle physics. Lectures from IFAE scientists give insight in topics and methods of basic research at the fundaments of matter and forces, enabling the students to perform measurements on real data from particle physics experiments themselves.

Cazadores de Rayos Gamma

High-school program

Cazadores de Rayos Gamma

Educational activity based on an online platform where the participants can have hands-on experience with the MAGIC telescopes and its observations. The activity includes masterclasses and an online competition, the winner gets to spend a couple of nights observing with the MAGIC telescopes in La Palma.

Lego Workshop

High-school program

Lego Workshop - Build the Universe brick by Brick

The outreach team at IFAE developed a Lego activity targeted for different audiences to explain particle physics processes. The activity has been adapted to different audiences and situations. It is offered to high-school students in the IFAE visits, and to kids and families in science fairs.