ATLAS Detector

IFAE Research Groups

Collider Physics Group

  • Collider Physics Group

    CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) delivered the first high-energy proton-proton collisions in 2010, opening a new energy frontier in particle physics. ATLAS is one of the four large detectors at the LHC involving about 3000 scientists. With a 25-year involvement in the ATLAS experiment, IFAE has strongly contributed to a broad spectrum of topics critical to the scientific exploitation of the experiment

    The Collider Physics group at IFAE is led by M. Bosman.

    The ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter (TileCal)

    IFAE played a central role in the design, construction and commissioning of the Tile hadronic Calorimeter (TileCal), finished in 2009. Since 2010, IFAE strongly contributes to various aspects of the TileCal operation, data reconstruction, calibration, data quality monitoring, and luminosity measurement. IFAE researchers often act as TileCal run coordinators. During the last years the group has led the R&D for the new structure hosting the upgraded front-end electronics, needed for the high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) period starting in 2027. The production of the new structures started in 2019 and is expected to last 3 years.

    ATLAS Detector
    ATLAS Detector Credit: Maximilien Brice, CERN

    The ATLAS Trigger and Data Aquisistion (TDAQ)

    IFAE has contributed to the development and operation of the data acquisition and event selection system (trigger), critical for an efficient selection of the most interesting collisions. IFAE was one of three groups developing the software infrastructure of the high-level trigger and held several coordinating responsibilities within the ATLAS trigger group. IFAE also played a key role in developing the algorithms for the selection of events with tau leptons, later extended to jet triggers. In order to cope with the higher luminosity of Run 2 (2015-2018), ATLAS installed a new processor to perform real-time event selection based on topological variables. IFAE made major contributions to the simulation of the processor, its commissioning and validation with data. Moreover, IFAE contributed to the operations of the whole trigger system with the overall coordination of the trigger menu. The trigger work at IFAE will continue in preparation for the new Run 3 scheduled for spring 2022.

    ATLAS Detector
    ATLAS Detector Credit: Claudia Marcelloni , CERN

    Physics Analysis Program

    The institute deployed a strong and rich physics analysis program at the LHC, expanding from precise Standard Model background measurements to Higgs boson physics. During Run 2, when LHC collided protons at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, IFAE developed a broad program of searches for new phenomena, including dark matter, invisible Higgs boson decays, supersymmetry, compositeness, new heavy Higgs bosons, as well as precise measurements of the interactions between the top and bottom quarks and the Higgs boson. IFAE, which represents about 1% of ATLAS, directly contributes to about 10% of ATLAS publications. IFAE researches have held a number of physics-related coordination positions. Most notably, A. Juste is the current co-coordinator of the ATLAS Exotics Physics Working Group.

    ATLAS Event display
    ATLAS Event display Hbb Credit: ATLAS

    Data processing of the LHC data

    IFAE is a main actor in the data processing of the LHC data. In 2003, IFAE and CIEMAT founded the Port d’Informació Científica (PIC), one of 13 LHC Tier-1 data centers in the world and the only one in Spain. As such, PIC participates in the overall effort of processing and distributing the tens of PB of data the LHC produces every year. Year after year, PIC, which operates 24/7, is listed in the top three of Tier-1 centers in terms of reliability.

    PIC Datacenter Credit: PIC

    3D silicon pixel sensors for ATLAS

    IFAE in collaboration with the CNM center in the UAB campus led the development of the ultra-radiation-hard 3D silicon pixel sensors for ATLAS. The institute made key contributions to the current detector systems based on this technology: providing 3D sensors for the innermost pixel layer (IBL) in 2014 and constructing in 2016 the first stations for the ATLAS Forward Protons (AFP) tracking system, finished in 2020. Recently, the design of the 3D sensors has been adapted to satisfy the HL-LHC requirements, and the technology has been selected for the innermost layer of the new ATLAS tracking system. IFAE is now preparing to produce the pixel modules and deliver them to CERN in the mid 2020s. This is arguably the most demanding piece of instrumentation of ATLAS: a 250-um-thick silicon sensor that will reside 3cm away from the interaction point and that has to provide excellent position resolution during many years of LHC operation in a high radiation environment.

    IBL installation into the inner detector of the ATLAS Experiment side C Credit: Claudia Marcelloni/CERN

    High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD)

    IFAE has been deeply involved in the R&D effort to design and fabricate a timing detector to mitigate the effect of pile-up at the HL-LHC. Using timing, one can identify the origin of the reconstructed tracks, thus reducing the effect of overlapping collisions. IFAE proposed the Low Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) technology developed at CNM to be used in a High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD), demonstrating that LGAD sensors can provide the needed time resolution in the presence of the expected large radiation doses. After its adoption by ATLAS, IFAE is now working on the corresponding ASIC design and has developed the hybridization process for the HGTD.

    A visual example of pile-up in the ATLAS tracker Credit: CERN

    High temperature superconductor coated conductors for the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh)

    A collaboration between CERN and Spanish centers ICMAB, UPC, ALBA and IFAE was established in 2016 to evaluate high temperature superconductor coated conductors (HTS-CC) as candidates for the beam screens of the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh). To study its properties under mechanical stress, IFAE designed and built a dedicated machine that holds a large sample of powered HTS-CC, applies mechanical stress to it, and measures the distributions of mechanical deformation and current density over its surface. The work was funded by CERN for three years (2016-19), was very positively reviewed, and has been recently extended to build a proof-of-concept FCC-hh beam screen device based on HTS-CC.

    A schematic map showing where the Future Circular Collider tunnel is proposed to be located Credit: CERN
  • Group Members

    Collider Physics Group

    Staff Researchers

    • Martine Bosman

      Martine Bosman

    • Pilar Casado

      Pilar Casado

    • Raimon Casanova

      Raimon Casanova

    • Jose Crespo

      Jose Crespo

    • Sebastián Grinstein

      Sebastián Grinstein

    • Aurelio Juste

      Aurelio Juste

    • Ilya Korolkov

      Ilya Korolkov

    • Mario Martínez

      Mario Martínez

    • Lluïsa Mir

      Lluïsa Mir

    • Andreu Pacheco

      Andreu Pacheco

    • Imma Riu

      Imma Riu

    • Stefano Terzo

      Stefano Terzo

    • Tamara Vázquez

      Tamara Vázquez

    Postdoc Researchers

    • Pablo Fernández

      Pablo Fernández

    • Javier Jiménez

      Javier Jiménez

    • Judita Mamužić

      Judita Mamužić

    • Javier Montejo

      Javier Montejo

    • Yang Qin

      Yang Qin

    PhD Students

    • Adrià Berrocal

      Adrià Berrocal

    • Juan Carlotto

      Juan Carlotto

    • Gabriel Correa

      Gabriel Correa

    • Shalini Epari

      Shalini Epari

    • Yujing Gan

      Yujing Gan

    • Viveka Gautam

      Viveka Gautam

    • Jack Harrison

      Jack Harrison

    • Niraj Kakoty

      Niraj Kakoty

    • Paula Martínez

      Paula Martínez

    • Helena Moyano

      Helena Moyano

    • Atanay Odella

      Atanay Odella

    • Joaquim Piñol

      Joaquim Piñol

    • Anil Sonay

      Anil Sonay

    • Pietro  Tricarico

      Pietro Tricarico

  • International Collaborations

    Collider Physics Group

    ATLAS Detector


    ATLAS at the LHC

    ATLAS is one of the four major experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It is a general-purpose particle physics experiment designed to exploit the full discovery potential and the huge range of physics opportunities that the LHC provides.

      CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Research Projects

    Collider Physics Group

    ATLAS Detector

    PCI2022, 2022

    Participation of IFAE in the ATLAS experiment

    This project proposal aims to strengthen IFAE's participation in the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to achieve the full potential of the LHC and the European Strategy for Particle Physics. IFAE will contribute to data analysis, detector operation, and ATLAS governance while also engaging in exploring rare Standard Model processes and testing the validity of the SM theory and the emergence of new phenomena. The project's expected scientific impact is to improve the understanding of the structure of fundamental matter components and their forces.

      ATLAS Event display

      PCI2022, 2022

      The ITK Upgrade of ATLAS

      The High-Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) is a major project that will start colliding proton beams in 2029, resulting in radiation levels and data throughput 10 times higher than those produced at the LHC. To face these new challenges, the experiment needs to improve or replace many of its components, including the ATLAS tracking detector which will be replaced with a completely new one based on silicon detector technologies called ITk. IFAE's role in this project is to work on improving the two subsystems of the ATLAS ITk tracking detector.


        Proyectos I+D Generación de Conocimiento, 2021

        Detectors for the HL-LHC ATLAS upgrade (ATLASUPGRADE)

        The LHC accelerator at CERN will be improved to reach higher luminosity, requiring upgrades to the ATLAS sub-systems. This project, led by IFAE and IMB-CNM, aims to deliver critical sub-detector systems fabricated in Spain, including 3D pixel modules, HGTD LGAD modules, and mechanical supports for the TileCal, to the ATLAS experiment for the HL-LHC period starting in 2028. Project coordinated by IFAE.

          ATLAS Detector

          Proyectos I+D Generación de Conocimiento, 2021

          Participación del IFAE en el experimento ATLAS en el LHC: física y operación del detector

          The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN has explored a new energy frontier in experimental particle physics since 2010. The proposed project aims to ensure the optimal participation of the IFAE group in the scientific exploitation of the ATLAS experiment during Run 3 (2022-2024), including commissioning and operation of the ATLAS detector subsystems, deployment of a competitive physics program, optimization studies, and upgrade of the Tier-3 computing facility.


            Beatriu de Pinos, 2021

            Searches for light scalars and charged Higgs produced in the decay of a top quark with ATLAS data from Run-2 and Run-3 and construction of the first layer of pixel detectors of the ATLAS ITk.

            Researchers are searching for new physics beyond the Standard Model by analyzing the decay of top quarks, which may reveal new particles that have not been previously explored. Two related analyses are being conducted at IFAE: one search for a light charged Higgs boson and another for a light neutral scalar, both of which are produced in the decay of a top quark. The project involves reanalyzing data from LHC Run-2 and applying improved algorithms to increase the sensitivity of the analysis, with the ultimate goal of extending the search to include data from Run-3. The analyses may be combined to strengthen the sensitivity to both signals.


              H2020-INFRAIA, 2020

              Advancement and Innovation for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDA-INNOVA)

              Due to the need for highly specialised detector equipment, often in industrial-scale numbers, the project will involve eight industrial companies, three RTOs (Research and Technology Organisations) and 34 academic institutions in 15 countries, in co-innovation for common detector projects, strengthening the competence and competitiveness of the industrial partners in other markets.


              Beatriu de Pinos, 2020

              RADTIME: RAdiation Detectors for TIming Measurements

              The project aims to contribute to the completion of the High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) upgrade, which requires new sensor technologies to improve particle tracking precision and time measurements. The project also aims to search for optimal radiation hard sensor technologies for timing measurements, with a particular focus on developing 3D sensor technologies. Finally, the project aims to expand the possibilities of timing applications in particle detection, potentially leading to industrial applications in a wide variety of areas.


                H2020-INFRAIA, 2018

                Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDA-2020)

                The AIDA-2020 project brings together the leading European research infrastructures in the field of detector development and testing and a number of institutes, universities and technological centers, thus assembling the necessary expertise for the ambitious programme of work.

              • Publications

                Collider Physics Group

              • Instrumentation Projects

                Collider Physics Group

                ITk modules

                3D silicon pixel sensors for ATLAS

                IFAE in collaboration with CNM led the development of the ultra-radiation-hard 3D silicon pixel sensors for ATLAS. IFAE provided 3D sensors for the innermost pixel layer (IBL) and constructed the first stations for the ATLAS Forward Protons (AFP) tracking system.


                  High Granularity Timing Detector for ATLAS

                  IFAE has been deeply involved in the R&D effort to design and fabricate a timing detector to mitigate the effect of pile-up at the HL-LHC. IFAE proposed and demonstarted the Low Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) technology developed at CNM to be used in a HGTD detector.


                    High temperature superconductor coated conductors for CERN

                    A collaboration between CERN and Spanish centers ICMAB, UPC, ALBA and IFAE was established in 2016 to evaluate high temperature superconductor coated conductors (HTS-CC) as candidates for the beam screens of the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh).

                    • Group News

                      New Position

                      Aurelio Juste starts as Chair of the ATLAS Publication Committee

                      March 6, 2024

                      On 1 March 2024, Aurelio Juste started as Chair of the Publications Committee (PubCom) for one year.


                      Qilimanjaro wins 4YFN Awards 2024

                      March 6, 2024

                      The IFAE spin-off ​​Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, was recognized at the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2024 as the best digital start-up in the world.


                      First Pre-production Modules for the ATLAS upgrades for the LH-LHC Assembled at IFAE

                      February 21, 2024

                      The first pre-production triplet module for the ATLAS upgrades for the LH-LHC has been assembled this week at IFAE. The IFAE ATLAS Pixels group is building modules for the innermost pixel layer of the tracking detector (ITk) and the new high granularity timing detector (HGTD).


                      Six new 3D sensors modules produced by the ATLAS Pixels group at IFAE

                      February 14, 2024

                      During the start of 2024, the ATLAS pixel group assembled new 3D sensor modules for AFP (a diffractive experiment in ATLAS).

                      New position

                      Aurelio Juste appointed Deputy Chair of the Publications Committee

                      March 1, 2023

                      Aurelio Juste starts as Deputy Chair of the Publications Committee (PubComm) for one year, and will become the Chair for the following year, starting on 1 March 2024.

                      IFAE organization

                      New positions in the IFAE Organization

                      January 16, 2023

                      Mario Martinez, ICREA professor at IFAE and head of the Gravitational Waves Group, is the new Director of the Experimental Division and takes on the role of IFAE Deputy Director. Martine Bosman, retiring Director of the Experimental Division, assumes the status of IFAE Emeritus.