IFAE Research Groups

Quantum Computing Technologies Group

  • Quantum Computing Technologies

    Achieving an advantage over conventional computers to solve problems which are ubiquitous in society.

    QCT Lab
  • Quantum Computing Technologies Group

    Quantum Computation (QC) is arguably the most revolutionary of all new quantum technologies, as it may transform many industrial sectors with a direct impact on society. In the past five years, the field has experienced a huge transformation as it is being adopted and developed by industry after two decades being an almost purely academic endeavor.

    There exist today small-scale prototypes produced by both research groups and large corporations. Those devices are getting powerful enough to provide advantages over conventional computers in specific applications. However, in order to achieve the long-sought “quantum supremacy”, several key developments are still necessary.

    IFAE is fully engaged in this technology since 2019. The particular implementation developed at IFAE, quantum annealing, is one of the most promising avenues by which to achieve an advantage over conventional computers by solving optimization problems which are ubiquitous in society (delivery, traffic, chemistry, etc.).

    The QCT group develops superconducting circuits for applications in quantum computation. By employing Josephson-junction technology, the group engineers superconducting qubits for the implementetion of quantum algorithms. Part of the research is focused on improving the qubit quality by mitigation of environmental noise sources, while at the same time the circuits are used to investigate fundamental physics of quantum optics phenomena.

    In 2020, the QCT group achieved the complete construction of its laboratory at the IFAE workshop. The new laboratory was already used to complete the first complete work performed at IFAE, the demonstration of a single qubit as a universal approximant. This new quantum algorithm was deviced by the group led by Prof. J. I. Latorre, currently the director of the Center for Quantum Technologies in Singapore, and was implemented using the single superconducting qubit device that was fabricated by the group of Prof. Martin Weides at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The initial round of measurements had been performed at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) in the lab of Prof. S. O. Valenzuela while the IFAE laboratory was being built. This quantum algorithm uses the qubit properties to approximate the value of any bounded mathematical function after a series of quantum gates applied to the qubit. The experimental demonstration showed full agreement with the simulated values. A preprint was produced in early 2021.

    You can find more information on the QCT group at IFAE website

  • Group Members

    Quantum Computing Technologies Group

    Staff Researchers

    • Pol Forn-Díaz

      Pol Forn-Díaz

    • Manel Martinez

      Manel Martinez

    Project Manager Assistant

      Postdoc Researchers

      • Elia Bertoldo

        Elia Bertoldo

      PhD Students

      • Luca Cozzolino

        Luca Cozzolino

      • Guillermo Del Riego

        Guillermo Del Riego

      • Ariadna Gómez del Pulgar

        Ariadna Gómez del Pulgar

      • David López

        David López

      • Alba Torras

        Alba Torras


      • Víctor Manuel Pérez

        Víctor Manuel Pérez

    • Research Projects

      Quantum Computing Technologies Group

      QCT Lab

      Plan Complementario, 2021

      Comunicación Cuántica

      This program is aligned with the key European initiatives in this area, both the Quantum Flagship and the European Quantum Communications Infrastructure (EuroQCI), by creating cutting-edge infrastructures and acting as a motor for the European quantum industry. IFAE participates in the NESQQ subproject, that will aim at improving qubit quality by intensive fabrication efforts, both studying the addition of novel materials as well as by modifications of the qubit device structure. This project will be run in collaboration with IMB-CNM-CSIC via the researcher Dr. Gemma Rius, an active collaborator of the QCT group

        QCT Lab

        Proyectos I+D Generación de Conocimiento, 2021

        Interacción de la radiación cósmica en cúbits (ICRQ)

        The ICQR project aims to develop superconducting qubits that are resilient against the impact of ionizing radiation, which limit their performance as quantum sensors and hinder the implementation of quantum error correction schemes. This will be achieved by suppressing the generation of spurious quasiparticles in the superconductor through the use of complementary approaches, including operation in a deep underground laboratory, the use of radiopure materials, and on-chip patterns for quasiparticle abatement. Project coordinated by IFAE.


          H2020-FETOPEN, 2019

          Annealing-based VAriational QUantum processorS (AVaQus)

          AVaQus is a European project funded in the FET-Open 2019 call to develop a quantum processor that demonstrates coherent quantum annealing and its potential to solve real-life optimization problems. Project coordinated by IFAE.

          QUANTERA Logo

          Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, 2019

          Superinductor-based Quantum Technologies with Ultrastrong Couplings (SiUCs)

          SiUCS focus on improving the efficiency of qubit operations involving light-matter interactions. In addition, superinductors are used to engineer a missing device of the superconducting quantum circuit toolbox: the microwave single photon detector.

        • Publications

          Quantum Computing Technologies Group

        • Group News


          Brussels Approves the Installation of the Quantum Computer MareNostrum-Ona in Barcelona

          January 30, 2025

          Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech will develop the MareNostrum-Ona quantum computer, which will be installed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).


          New QCT group publication

          January 15, 2025

          Direct Detection of Down-Converted Photons Spontaneously Produced at a Single Josephson Junction by Alba Torras and collaborators has been published in Physical Review Letters.

          New Member

          New member in the Quantum Computing group

          November 21, 2024

          Ariadna Gómez has joined the QCT group as a PhD student

          New Member

          New member in the Quantum Computing group

          November 21, 2024

          Guillermo Del Riego has joined the QCT group as a PhD student


          Qilimanjaro wins 4YFN Awards 2024

          March 6, 2024

          The IFAE spin-off ​​Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, was recognized at the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2024 as the best digital start-up in the world.


          QCT group Milestone: Successful Control of Flux Qubits

          October 18, 2023

          Researchers at the QCT group have achieved precise control over flux qubits, a crucial component for quantum annealing.