Instrumentation R&D

High Granularity Timing Detector for ATLAS
Collider Physics GroupIFAE has been deeply involved in the R&D effort to design and fabricate a timing detector to mitigate the effect of pile-up at the HL-LHC. IFAE proposed and demonstarted the Low Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) technology developed at CNM to be used in a HGTD detector.

High temperature superconductor coated conductors for CERN
Collider Physics GroupA collaboration between CERN and Spanish centers ICMAB, UPC, ALBA and IFAE was established in 2016 to evaluate high temperature superconductor coated conductors (HTS-CC) as candidates for the beam screens of the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh).

ND280 near detector for T2K
Neutrinos GroupThe neutrinos group plays a key role in the upgrade, with T. Lux being co-leader of the ND280 upgrade, which is a step towards the future generation of long baseline experiments, DUNE in USA and HyperK in Japan, as the upgraded ND280 will serve as the first near detector for HyperK.