
The CDF and D0 collaborations awarded the 2019 High Energy and Particle Physics Prize

Scientists at IFAE were members of CDF (M. Cavalli-Sforza, M. Martinez, S. Grinstein) and D0 (A. Juste) experiments with important responsibilities in terms of detector operations and physics analysis. As a member institution of the CDF experiment, IFAE took major responsibilities on the quality control of the data taken by the experiment.

Among a long list of management positions, M. Martinez acted as QCD/SM convener and Data Quality convener and S. Grinstein was CDF Silicon Detector sub-Project leader and Head of CDF detector operations. Other postdoctoral members of the group in CDF took responsibilities in detector operations and the coordination of Top Quark/SUSY and Exotic Physics analysis groups.

In the D0 experiment, A. Juste played a leading role in the design and commissioning of silicon microstrip tracker and was Physics Coordinator and convener of the Top Physics and Jet Energy Scale working groups during Run 2 of the Tevatron, when progress was made in the precision measurements of the top quark.

The prize will be formally awarded at the EPS Conference on July 15 in Ghent.

Link to EPS announcement

CDF Experiment

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