IFAE donates protection equipment and puts its 3D printers to the service of coronavirus fight

March 25, 2020


IFAE has donated its stock of clean-room protection equipment to the UAB-related hospitals (St. Pau, Vall d’Hebró, Parc Taulí, Germans Tries i Pujol, among others). In total, almost 2000 items including masks, gloves, and booties. This initiative was coordinated by the UAB managed by the Technical Division team at IFAE.

On another front, the IFAE 3D printers are now being used for manufacturing 3D printed components for masks, door handles, and other pieces for respirators and other medical equipment for coronavirus fight. This initiative is done in coordination with LEITAT and Parc Taulí. The work is done at the home of IFAE engineer Juli Mundet, where the 3D printers have been moved due to the closure of IFAE, and the pieces delivered to Parc Tauli in Sabadell regularly.
Protection Material
Protection Material Credit: IFAE
Protection Material

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