New Member

New member in the Theory Group

October 14, 2020

Theory Division

Ricardo Zambujal has joined the Theory Division as a Postdoctoral researcher.

He got his PhD at CP3-Origins, U. Southern Denmark, and did postdocs at U. Barcelona and Nordita. His research interests inclide Cosmic inflation, Cosmological signals of BSM (axion) physics, black holes

Welcome, Ricardo!

Latest Group News

New Publication

Theory group paper on Scientific American

May 2, 2024

Scientific American has published the article interviewing Ricardo Z. Ferreira, former postdoc in the Theory Group.

New Member

New Member in the Theory Division

January 17, 2024

Bernat Capdevila has joined the Theory Group at IFAE and the UAB Physics Department as Postdoc Researcher.


Researcher Fabrizio Rompineve receives the Buchalter Cosmology Prize

January 16, 2024

Fabrizio Rompineve, researcher at the UAB Department of Physics and at the Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE), has been awarded the Buchalter Cosmology Prize for his research on gravitational waves from the early universe.