
New Comology group Publication

Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Weak Lensing Shape Catalogue ”, led by Marco Gatti, has been uploaded to arXiv as part of the upcoming DES year 3 cosmology analysis of galaxy clustering and gravitational lensing.

The paper presents and characterises the galaxy shape catalogue of DES Y3, which consists of 100,204,026 galaxies, measured in the riz bands, making it the largest catalogue for weak lensing studies ever created. The catalogue passes a large number of null tests, discussed in the paper. This work has a key role in the upcoming DES cosmological analysis release (see for further details on the DES website )

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New Member

New Member in the Cosmology group

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New Member in the Theory group

November 1, 2023

Juan Sebastián Valbuena has just joined the Theory group as Postdoc researcher.