“Topping-up multilepton plus b-jets anomalies at the LHC with a Z’ boson“ , co-authored by A. Juste, together with T. Vazquez Schoeder and theorists E. Alvarez and M. Szewc, was recently submitted to the arXiv.
This paper studies several discrepancies in ttH and 4-tops searches at the LHC in multilepton plus b-jets final states, and develops a phenomenological New Physics model involving a Z’ boson that can account for them. This model provides a better fit to the experimental data than the Standard Model for a New Physics scale of approximately 500 GeV, and with a hierarchical coupling of the Z′ boson that favours the top quark and the presence of FCNC currents. It is also shown that the parameter space of the model that best fits the data could be probed with a significance exceeding 3 standard deviations with just the full Run-2 dataset.
Link to arXiv
First Pre-production Modules for the ATLAS upgrades for the LH-LHC Assembled at IFAE
February 21, 2024
The first pre-production triplet module for the ATLAS upgrades for the LH-LHC has been assembled this week at IFAE. The IFAE ATLAS Pixels group is building modules for the innermost pixel layer of the tracking detector (ITk) and the new high granularity timing detector (HGTD).