BIST will collaborate with the Generalitat’s Education Department to create Catalonia’s first STEAM centre

February 17, 2021


The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) will foster collaboration and communication among its research institutes, the Catalan education system, and the STEAM centre, creating a permeable and fluid ecosystem.

Families in Barcelona’s Eixample neighbourhood will be able to enroll their children in a new school come next pre-registration period: the Angeleta Ferrer Institute.

This centre was born from a desire to promote scientific vocations, and aims to become a reference for all institutes in Catalonia for promoting secondary and baccalaureate students’ vocations in the areas of STEAM: science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.

The centre will also become a benchmark for training teachers and for educational research in these areas, inspiring other centres to adopt its educational model.

BIST is collaborating with the Generalitat’s Department of Education on this project, with the participation of the Barcelona Education Consortium.

More information on: Consorci Educació de Barcelona & BIST website

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