CLUE container arrives at IFAE for LIDARs R&D
March 3, 2021
Gamma-ray GroupLast Thursday the CLUE (Cherenkov Light Ultraviolet Experiment) container arrived at IFAE from the ORM. It now occupies the place where the Barcelona Raman LIDAR was placed. It will become a R&D platform for developing LIDAR for cherenkov astronomy and various other possible applications.
HERD prototype tested at CERN SPS beam
October 4, 2023
The HERD prototype is being tested at CERN SPS beam between Oct 2 and 16. This test, together with the one at PS back in September, will be used to validate and optimize the different sub-detector concepts and complete Phase B of the project.
HERD prototype tested at CERN PS beam
September 6, 2023
The HERD prototype is being tested at CERN PS beam between Aug 29 and Sep 12. This test, together with the one happening at SPS next October, will be used to validate and optimize the different sub-detector concepts and complete Phase B of the project.