New project

IFAE awarded financial support in the PANDEMIES-2020 AGAUR call

March 17, 2021


IFAE was awarded financial support in the AGAUR call “Replegar-se per créixer: l’impacte de les pandèmies en un món sense fronteres visibles” (PANDÈMIES-2020) for the project ‘A powerful stochastic tool to assess the impact of the COVID-19 in Catalonia integrating detailed demographic and mobility data’

The project is a coordinated project led by IFAE (M. Bosman IP) together with CED and I2CAT. The IFAE team contributing so far includes L. Gabbanelli, M. Manera, M. Martinez, P.Masjuan, Ll. Mir, I. Riu and V. Vitagliano.

Link to call

Latest Group News


IFAE obtains funding in CERCA GINYS program

May 8, 2024

IFAE, together with the IEEC (Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya), has got 2 of the 5 funded infrastructures in the III GINYS call.


IFAE in the press

April 17, 2024

Latest appearances of IFAE in the press


Monica Seglar participates in the kick-off of the 2024 edition of Bojos per la Ciencia

February 14, 2024

Last Friday started “Bojos per la Ciència”, the educational program from Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera. IFAE coordinates the Bojos per la física together with ICN2 and in collaboration with ICFO, Alba, UAB, ICMAB…, engaging students in Physics activities. IFAE Postdoc researcher Monica Seglar from the Gamma-ray and the GW groups gave an inspiring talk for all students in the inauguration.