
Master's Thesis defended last week

September 15, 2021


Last week the students of the Postgraduate Program in High Energy Physics, Astrophysics & Cosmology (Mastercosmos) defended their Master’s Thesis. A total 13 theses have been tutored by IFAE researchers.

List of Theses:

  • Juan Urrutia: “Search for primordial blackholes via gravitational wave lensing with ground based detectors”. Tutor: Ville Vaskonen
  • Marc Andrés Carcassona: “Searches of gravitational waves from asymmetric compact binary coalescence events using convolutional neural networks during O2”. Tutor: Mario Martínez.
  • Jordi Capó, “Neutron Detection Capabilities”. Tutor: Thorsten Lux
  • Arul Prakash, “B decays form factor parameterization using Neural Networks”. Tutor: Pere Masjuan
  • Adriana Ghiozzi, “A two-particle solution to lepton magnetic moment anomalies and its implications for rare B decay observables” Tutor: Pere Masjuan
  • Helena Recasens, “Application of machine-learning techniques for background suppression in searches for higgsino pair production with the ATLAS detector”. Tutor: Aurelio Juste, Carlos Moreno
  • Oriol Izquierdo, “Optimization of a new light scalar boson search analysis using data of the ATLAS experiment”. Tutor:Imma Riu
  • Fernando García. “Search for the pair production of vector-like quarks in final states with multiple b-jets”. Tutor: Aurelio Juste
  • Aday Cárdenas, “On Cosmological Phase Transitions: Gravitational Waves and Gauge Dependence”. Tutor: Ville Vaskonen
  • Maria Lainez, “Analysis of gamma-ray observations performed with the first Large-Sized Telescope of CTA”. Tutor: Abelardo Moralejo
  • Akshay Kumar, “Optimising baffle parameters in Einstein Telescope”. Tutor: Mario Martínez
  • Daniel Serrano, “Novel instrumentation for light detection in the Virgo Interferometer”. Tutor: Mario Martínez
  • Joan Llobera, “Modeling Gravitational Waveforms for Parameter Estimation with Machine Learning”. Tutor: Mario Martínez

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