ATLAS pixels group milestone towards ITk module production
April 6, 2022
Collider Physics GroupIFAE´s ATLAS pixels group has achieved a new milestone towards the ATLAS ITk Pixel module production.
Last week, IFAE succeeded in the second stage electrical test qualification, which allows our lab to complete the full characterization of the ITk pixel modules after their production at IFAE. Among other aspects, the second stage electrical tests qualification includes the capability of carrying out specific electrical tests at low temperatures.
The activities towards this qualification were carried out by Juan I. Carlotto, Jaume Tovar and P. Fernández on fully operational ITk modules previously assembled at IFAE.
First Pre-production Modules for the ATLAS upgrades for the LH-LHC Assembled at IFAE
February 21, 2024
The first pre-production triplet module for the ATLAS upgrades for the LH-LHC has been assembled this week at IFAE. The IFAE ATLAS Pixels group is building modules for the innermost pixel layer of the tracking detector (ITk) and the new high granularity timing detector (HGTD).