
ATLAS Run 3 start in full swing

Last week the the LHC delivered a total of 5 fills with 900 GeV collisions (stable beams were declared during 4 fills). In total, approximately 23 hours of stable beams at injection energy were delivered to ATLAS.

The LHC did also first “test collisions” of the proton beams at 13.6 TeV with a non-stable beam fill using nominal bunches (with approximately 10^11 protons per bunch).

Shalini Epari, a PhD student from IFAE was on shift in the ATLAS control room. Using the very valuable data collected so far, timing in, calibrations and in general commissioning are in full swing. Stable beam collisions at 13.6 TeV are still foreseen 5 July, on the day following the 10th anniversary Symposium of the Higgs boson discovery

ATLAS Detector

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