
La veu còsmica, a podcast combining art and science

June 13, 2023


IFAE participates in the podcast “La Veu còsmica”, an initiative by ICE-CSIC research Lluís Galbany

Lluís Galbany (ICE-CSIC) has joined forces with the poet Esteve Plantada and the musician Joan Garriga to launch an audiovisual podcast called “La Veu Còsmica” that connects art and science

The podcast, available on YouTube , Spotify and Ivoox, features interviews with scientists to bring research in astrophysics and cosmology closer to the general public.

Andreu Font Ribera is the guest in the chapter dedicated to the Large-scale structure of the Universe and dark matter

Diego Bas is the guest in the chapter on Inflation and expansion of the Universe .

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