
Installation of new cryostat in the QCT Lab

The installation of a new cryostat from Leiden Cryogenics is ongoing at the QCT Lab by the Qilimanjaro team. The new equipment is part of the Quantum Spain project coordinated by BSC of giving remote access to a 5-qubit quantum chip.

The chip is called Gen1 and manufactured by IQM (Finland). It is the second of a series of 7 QPUs that will be provided to BSC throughout the duration of the contract, with the last one being the Gen6 chip with 30 qubits.

The system will be accessed via the cloud using the Qibo software developed by Qilimanjaro and will enable the Spanish academic and business community to carry out the first executions of quantum circuits under complete Spanish control.

This second chip follows the successful installation of the first chip Gen0 that was delivered in May to BSC and is being maintained online from IFAE since then through the cloud service developed by Qilimanjaro. Gen0 constitutes “de facto” the first Quantum Computer in operation in Spain (and the South of Europe).

Manel Martínez is the project leader in the joint venture formed by Qilimanjaro and GMV.

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