IFAE Secures Ginjol Funding for VIP Tech Patent
January 15, 2025
IFAEIFAE has been awarded 10,000€ in competitive funding from the Ginjol call to support the maintenance of the VIP technology patent, developed by Prof. Chmeissani.
Led by IFAE’s Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KTT) unit, this funding marks the 5th Ginjol project secured by IFAE in the past seven years and is expected to generate returns through royalties from a future IFAE spin-off company.

outreach activity
IFAE joins CCCB for “Radical Science”: A Cultural Project Exploring 21st-Century Scientific Frontiers
January 15, 2025
The High Energy Physics Institute (IFAE) is one of four research centres that collaborate with the Barcelona Center for Contemporary Culture (CCCB) in a series of events called “Radical Science”, a cultural initiative that showcases how cutting-edge scientific research is transforming our world.
New Publication
IFAE COVID-19 Group Publishes Final Study on Catalonia’s Pandemic Response in Scientific Reports
January 7, 2025
On 30-12-2024 the IFAE COVID-19 group published in Scientific Reports from the Nature Multidisciplinary Collections its second and final paper ‘An Agent-Based Simulation of COVID-19 History in Catalonia Using Extensive Real Datasets’. The study highlights the impact of non-pharmaceutical measures and vaccination on COVID-19 spread in Catalonia.
La Nit Europea dels Investigadors 2024 a l'IFAE
September 1, 2024
El divendres 27 de setembre, apropeu-vos a la 20a edició de la Nit Europea dels Investigadors. Veniu a detectar raigs còsmics, a construir l’univers partícula a partícula i a endinsar-vos en els experiments de física de partícules. Coneixereu les persones que investiguen l’univers, des del més petit fins al més gran, i que organitzen aquest esdeveniment en el marc del projecte europeu PICO , la física per a tothom.