Brussels Approves the Installation of the Quantum Computer MareNostrum-Ona in Barcelona
January 30, 2025
Quantum Computing Technologies GroupQilimanjaro Quantum Tech will develop the MareNostrum-Ona quantum computer, which will be installed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).
The project has a budget of 8.5 million euros, with 50% funded by the European Commission and the other half by EuroQCS-Spain, a consortium led by BSC that includes the Institute of High Energy Physics (IFAE).
Once installed, IFAE will serve as a technology advisor for MareNostrum-Ona. The system will be based on quantum annealing technology for optimization and quantum simulations.
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New QCT group publication
January 15, 2025
Direct Detection of Down-Converted Photons Spontaneously Produced at a Single Josephson Junction by Alba Torras and collaborators has been published in Physical Review Letters.