ATLAS Detector


Collider Physics Group

New Appointment

Sebastian Grinstein endorsed as deputy Project Leader of the ATLAS HGTD

April 28, 2021

Sebastian Grinstein has been endorsed as deputy Project Leader of the High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) of ATLAS by the Institute Board.

New Publication

New ATLAS Pixels Group Publication

April 28, 2021

The Paper “Novel 3D Pixel Sensors for the Upgrade of the ATLAS Inner Tracker ” has been published in Frontiers for Physics.

Collaboration Meeting

ATLAS Upgrade week

April 21, 2021

The ATLAS Upgrade Week will take place next week (online ). IFAE members will be presenting results and convening various sessions in the ITk Pixels and HGTD upgrade projects.


XXVIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects

April 14, 2021

The XXVIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects is taking place as a virtual event on April 12-16, 2021 Stergios Kazakos contribute with the talk “Searching for leptoquarks with the ATLAS detector”.


LCWS2021: International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders

March 18, 2021

Sergio González from the IFAE ATLAS group will present the talk “Dark Matter - ATLAS and CMS results” at the online conference LCWS2021

Collaboration Meeting

ATLAS Trigger and Data acquisition week

March 10, 2021

The ATLAS Trigger and Data acquisition week is taking place online this week.Several members of the IFAE team are attending and also giving presentations about the status of the Level-1 topological trigger simulation.


New IFAE-ATLAS Publication

February 24, 2021

“Search for new phenomena in events with an energetic jet and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector” has been submitted to PRD.


New IFAE-ATLAS Publication

February 24, 2021

“Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into a top quark and a bottom quark at sqrt(s)=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector using the full Run 2 luminosity” has been submitted to JHEP this week.


Trento workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors

February 17, 2021

Stefano Terzo will give a talk in the “Trento workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors” presenting results of the performance of highly irradiated 3D pixel sensors produced at CNM for the ATLAS upgrade.