Artist’s impression of a gravitational wave


Gravitational Waves Group


New Multi-Messenger Paper

November 17, 2021

“Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era – A review” has been uploaded to arXiv . Members of the Gamma-ray, Gravitational Waves and Theory group are among the authors: Diego Blas, Merve Colak, Daniel Kersberg, Manel Martínez, Mario Martínez.

New Member

New Member in the GW group

November 16, 2021

Adrian Macquet has joined the Gravitational Waves group at IFAE as a PostDoc.

New IFAE Members

New Member in the GW group

September 6, 2021

Marc Andrés has joined the Gravitational Waves group as a PhD student.


New GW and Theory group publication

July 28, 2021

Search for a scalar induced stochastic gravitational wave background in the third LIGO-Virgo observing run ” by A. Romero-Rodriguez, Mario Martinez, O. Pujolàs, M. Sakellariadou, V. Vaskonen has been uploaded to arXiv.


IFAE at EPS-HEP 2021

July 28, 2021

The European Physical Society conference on high energy physics 2021 (EPS-HEP 2021 ), one of the most important conferences in HEP of the year, is taking place online this week. Three IFAE groups are participating:


The IFAE GW group at the Almadi14 Conference

July 21, 2021

The GW group at IFAE is contributing talks and posters to Almadi 14 , the most important conference in the field.


The IFAE GW group at the 8th KAGRA International Workshop

July 7, 2021

The IFAE GW group is contributing a talk and a poster to the 8th KAGRA International Workshop on 7 Jul - 9 Jul 2021


The IFAE GW group at the 2nd EPS on Gravitation: measuring gravity

July 7, 2021

The IFAE GW group is contributing talks to the Second European Physical Society Conference on Gravitation: measuring gravity on 5 Jul - 7 Jul 2021.


Phase I of the upgrades to Advanced Virgo+ completed

May 26, 2021

Ten months after the beginning of the upgrade to Advanced Virgo+, Phase I of the installation is completed. The upgrade includes the new instrumented baffle designed and built at IFAE to control and monitor the stray light inside the experiment.