Gravitational Waves Group
IFAE GW group at the GWADW workshop and the PPC conference
May 19, 2021
The IFAE GW group has contributed talks to 2 conferences this week: the Gravitational Wave Advanced Detector Workshop (GWADW2021) and the XIV International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology (PPC2021)
New GW group Publication
March 24, 2021
“Implications for first-order cosmological phase transitions from the third LIGO-Virgo observing run ” by Alba Romero, Katarina Martinovic, Thomas A. Callister, et al. has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters.
New GW group Publication
March 3, 2021
“Searches for Compact Binary Coalescence Events using Neural Networks in LIGO/Virgo Second Observation Period ” by A. Menendez et al., has been accepted for publication in Physical Review D.
Collaboration meeting
Virgo collaboration week
January 27, 2021
The event is taking place online. Christos Karathanasis is contributing a talk: “Joint cosmological and population analyses using events from the first and second GWTC.”
Collaboration Meeting
Virgo Collaboration Meeting
November 4, 2020
IFAE is contributing 3 talks:
- Alba Romero; “First Order Phase Transition signals in O3 data”
- Alexis Menendez, “Detection of CBC events in O3a using a convolutional neural network”
- Jorge Carretero, “CosmoHub: Interactive exploration and distribution of astronomical data on Hadoop”