Neutrinos Group
Three new IFAE patents
October 9, 2023
IFAE filed a new medical imaging technology patent application: “Proton CT System with Improved Proton Energy Detector” and a patent application was granted named “Devices, Systems, and Methods for Mammography with a Detector Having Reduced Dimensions.” The third is a PET technology based new patent application filed in the European Patent Office.
Time Projection Chambers (TPC) installation completed at J-PARC
September 13, 2023
The detector is already connected to the gas system and first cosmics in this configuration are expected to be recorded in about 4 weeks. First data taking with a neutrino beam is planned for the 2nd half of November and December.
New Publication
New Neutrinos group paper
January 25, 2023
The IFAE Neutrino group has a new publication: SuperFGD prototype time resolution studies ( I. Alekseev et al 2023 JINST 18 P01012) related to the T2K ND280 Upgrade project.