
Quantum Computing Technologies Group


Adiabatic Quantum Computing Conference 2021 (AQC 2021)

June 22, 2021

Pol Forn presented the project AvAQus in the talk ‘Introducing project AVaQus: Annealing-based variational quantum processors’


New QCT publication

May 5, 2021

“Transmission spectra of the driven, dissipative Rabi model in the USC regime” by L. Magazzù, P. Forn-Díaz, M. Grifoni has been uploaded to arXiv


Master's degree in Quantum Science and Technology

April 8, 2021

IFAE participates sin the new UB master’s degree in Quantum Science and Technology.


Clustering & Global Challenges conference

April 7, 2021

The Barcelona-Grenoble-Tsukuba “Clustering and Global Challenges” (CGC2021) international online conference presented the most recent research advances and technology developments in different hot sectors such as Quantum Technologies, Advanced Materials, … Manel Martinez was part of the organizing committee. Pol Forn-Díaz gave a talk introuducing the AVaQus project.


New Qilimanjaro Publication

March 3, 2021

Startup Qilimanjaro—towards a European full-stack coherent quantum annealer platform ” has been published in EPJ Quantum Technology in a Special Issue on Quantum Industry.


Qubit evaporator for the QCT lab

February 27, 2021

A Qubit evaporator is being installed in the QCT Lab. This system is necessary for in-house qubit development and production.


New QCT group Publication

February 20, 2021

The 2021 quantum materials roadmap , Feliciano Giustino et al 2021 J. Phys. Mater. 3 042006, is a Review papers led by Stephan Roche (ICN2). Pol Forn contributed a chapter on Superconductor and semiconductor qubits.

New IFAE member

New member in the QCT Group

February 10, 2021

Elia Bertoldo has just joined the QCT group as Postdoc.


New QCT group publication

February 10, 2021

“One qubit as a Universal Approximant” by members of the Quantic group has been uploaded to arXiv. This is the the first publication with experimental data taken at IFAE by the QCT group.