Since 1999, IFAE used its expertise with sophisticated radiation detectors to develop advanced medical imaging devices.
The Medical Physics group at IFAE is led by M. Chmeissani.
In 2009 M. Chmeissani was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant (VIP) to develop a novel detector concept for PET, based on CdTe detectors featuring 3D pixels (voxels). The concept allows detecting positron-annihilation photons with unprecedented energy and position resolution. This detector can operate in high magnetic fields, which allows its use within MRI devices and opens a whole range of potentially revolutionary applications in medical research and diagnostics. The main goal of the group has been the completion of the VIP prototype.
In parallel, the group has worked on the development of an innovative ASIC for an X-ray scanner. The Deep-Detection start-up company has been recently constituted to exploit this technology.
A new spin-off company, Baretek Barcelona Detector Technologies, was created in 2019 dedicated to development of silicon pixel detector technologies for security and medical applications.